Did “GROM” Disguise Nuclear Mobilization?

The New Nuclear Age - 1 Man, 1 Bomb, Global Domination

Gone are the days when nations threatened other nations with nuclear destruction - today the almost inconceivable power of just owning nuclear weapons allows any state, or perhaps more jarringly, any single individual person to hold the world hostage to their whims.

It is likely we are now entering a new nuclear age that will allow for nuclear proliferation to private corporations and even motivated / ambitious individuals. One need look no further than Putin’s ability to operate with impunity over decades due to this pandora’s box.

As written about by Dr. Peter Pry in “The Nuclear 9/11 In Or Future” there is a very real possibility /probability for a surprise Russian nuclear attack in the near term. Read full text at link above and excerpts below:

DNI Haines and the press suggest that Putin’s declared “special mode of combat duty” for nuclear forces, because it corresponds to no known Russian defense condition, is “just bluffing.”

On the contrary, use by Russia of a special readiness condition unknown to the U.S. intelligence community should be very worrisome.

The intelligence community accurately assessed Russia’s “exercise” of tank armies and other conventional forces on Ukraine’s border was really disguising an invasion.

Strangely and inconsistently, DNI Haines does not even consider that Russia’s nuclear forces exercise “Grom” (Thunder), conducted just prior to invading Ukraine, probably disguised Russian mobilization

for possible nuclear war.

U.S. strategic cultural aversion to “thinking about the unthinkable” and intelligence community biases would virtually guarantee failure to warn of an adversary potential or actual surprise nuclear attack.

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