Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios & More


The Almond Board of California’s January 2020 position report marked a new record month for export shipments of California Almonds, continuing a bull run for the 2019/20 marketing year with records broken for export shipments in 3 of the last 4 months; October, November, and January respectively.

2020 California Almond Price

Prices have stabilized and the continued strong global appetite for California Almonds is unlikely to diminish after the traditional annual slowdown seen in February due to Asia’s lunar New Year celebrations. It remains to be seen if February will break another record for export shipments. Currently, YTD receipts sit around 2.5 billion pounds, with some predicting a final crop of 2.55 billion pounds. 

With such strong shipments this marketing year, buyers and suppliers alike will be watching the California Almond bloom with a keen eye to better understand how this will affect crop production for the coming harvest. Many buyers will be examining their purchased inventories and weighing the news about the bloom from the fields in order to better understand their future contract demand. A large Nonpareil crop this year has helped to stabilize and even soften prices for other almond varieties. This large Nonpareil crop and the resulting substitution effect has led to a compression of, and the smallest differences between, Nonpareil prices and other almond varieties in a number of years.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


The Walnut Board of California’s monthly shipment report for January 2020 was recently released, showing a marked decrease in export shipments vs January 2019; 59,755 tons exported in 2020, vs. 75,699 tons exported in 2019. Also of note was a year-over-year decrease in in-shell shipments in January of -73% for the United States and -86% for Canada. A vast change from just one year ago. Further, Europe and the Middle East/Africa regions also saw remarkable declines in their shipments for California in-shell products between January 2019 and January 2020.

2020 California Walnut Price

The Asia / Pacific Rim region was the only region to record an increase in shipments between January 2019 and January 2020, +134% year-over-year. This is almost entirely due to the large increase in Vietnam’s imports of a whopping +544%! Vietnam, with a population of 95.5 million, was the Asian region’s 2nd largest importer behind only India, with a population of 1.3 billion. With China’s total imports down -75% between Jan 2019 & Jan 2020, it’s not hard to imagine Vietnam as an important, albeit illicit, corridor for Chinese importers looking to avoid the worst effects of tariffs from the US / China Trade War. 

Due to a price run on in-shell products at the end of 2019 that may have exceeded the market’s capacity to absorb such large price increases, both Turkey and Italy are reporting large buyer defections. Many California packers have seen Turkish and Italian buyers walk away from contracted containers in their respective destination ports. This is an ongoing issue that is unlikely to find an easy resolution unless one side relents on price (typically unlucky suppliers held hostage by unscrupulous buyers). 

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Production for the world’s top producers, the United States, Turkey, and Iran is projected to be down for the 2019 / 2020 season as the trees in the US and Turkey will enter their typical cyclical resting period.

2020 California Pistachio Price

According to data from the Administrative Committee for Pistachios, and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), 2020 U.S. production is predicted to decline by some 26 percent. As 2019/20 will be an off-year due to resting trees, the forecasted crop is around 332,000 tons. As reported by the USDA, as a result of the reduced output, “exports are forecast to drop 28 percent to 200,000 tons on lower shipments to top markets China and European Union. Ending stocks are expected to fall to a 5-year low of just 35,000 tons.”

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


Sales of US origin soybeans are picking up again as China and the United States begin to implement the Phase One trade deal, reopening the largest market for US soybeans. American farmers are eager to get these shipments moving with expectations of prices remaining stable to encourage strong sales as the trade tensions of the last two years begin to ease.

We supply GMO and Non-GMO Soybeans and Soybean Meal of all sizes, grades and styles.


Raisins sales continue to proceed apace with California packers seeing some much needed support as global demand picked up in 2020. Prices for California raisins have also seen relief as strong domestic and export sales help stabilize prices. It seems California raisins are set for a good marketing year in 2020 with investments being made domestically by Sun-Maid Raisins to entice millennial parents and many packers experiencing strong sales thus far in Q1.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


US Pecans have seen their first increase in prices in a number of years. The last price increase of note happened after the Hurricane season of 2018 due to uncertainty in regards to the potential damage these storms would cause in Georgia and other US states. The 2019 marketing year began with slower sales and lower prices. Due to strong domestic demand and even in light of reduced demand from China due to the US / China trade war, prices have begun to rise as the USDA reports a drawdown on monthly in-shell cold storage. The rise in prices seen recently is likely due to this strong domestic demand combined with a shorter than expected crop in Mexico and the Phase One agreement by US & China trade negotiators.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


US Sunflower stocks have seen a large hit due to weather and a shorter than usual crop. As a result, buyers of US sunflower seed products have seen a sharp increase in the prices contracts have closed at in recent weeks as compared to the harvest’s lower opening prices. Expect this short crop to continue to buoy prices as those who made forward contracts in the fall will reap the benefits of this advantageous position. Buyers looking for prompt shipments or forward contracts now, or later in 2020, may find suppliers offering on a limited basis or simply unable to meet the demand. 

We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.


United States and Canadian supply has been shorter than expected this year, causing prices to rise for both sliced and whole SDC products. Those who made forward contracts are in a great position heading into the rest of 2020 as prices are likely to rise through this year and very likely into the 2020/2021 marketing year. If you have prompt needs or will need whole or sliced SDC in the coming months, I recommend making forward contracts earlier rather than later.  

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

Poultry & Pork

China’s AQSIQ certified list of approved meat manufacturers has risen to 850 plants in 18 countries. You can explore the full list HERE.

We supply all major pork and poultry products from SIF certified factories approved by the Chinese AQSIQ. We supply Chicken Feet, Paws, Middle-Joint Wings, in addition to pork products.

Almonds, Trade War, & More


US Almond exports continue to climb year on year, largely due to strong global demand, California’s dominating position as the world’s top almond producer, and continued profitability of California's most valuable tree nut. Both October and November of the 2019/2020 marketing year broke records for the highest export shipments in industry history for those months, with October 2019 posting the single highest export shipment numbers ever.

California Almond Price 2020

The strong Shipment numbers for the 2019/2020 marketing year thus far are keeping prices stable as we enter the Chinese & Lunar New Year.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


After the Phase One US - China trade deal was signed recently, soybean prices have seen some price volatility, reflecting uncertainty concerning the commitments laid out for Beijing’s purchase of US farm products. As Brazil and other sources become more important sources for China’s Soybean appetite, the US may see increased competition and further uncertainties in the forward pricing of this oilseed. 

Under the Phase One deal China has agreed to purchase some USD $80 billion worth of US farm products over two years, according to the US Trade Representatives office. This is certainly interesting phrasing for the deal, given that most measurements of bulk exports and trade data in general, are measured in metric tons not US dollars. Measuring the progress of this deal in dollars creates some anxiety for US exporters as these dollar levels may not be met even if exports increase in total tonnage but prices for US farm products fall in the coming two years. Worth noting is that the USD $40 billion in exports per year proposed in the deal would surpass the record for US farm exports to China seen in any previous year.  

Historically, China has been the largest US market for US soybean exporters and the US was China’s top ag supplier for 18 years running until the trade war escalated in 2017. The disruption caused by this trade war is likely to be more negative than positive for the long term prospects of US soybean exporters. Despite the recent trade deal and USD $28 billion in bailouts to US farmers for losses experienced from these trade hostilities, China has realized its vulnerability in relying on volatile US economic policy and will continue to diversify its soybean supply chain with the rising agro-giants of Brazil, Argentina, and Russia.

We supply GMO and Non-GMO Soybeans and Soybean Meal of all sizes, grades and styles.

Poultry & Pork

There has been much focus of late on imports of Poultry and Pork products into China as a result of the recent outbreak of African Swine Fever and mass culling of China’s domestic pork herds, but the recent Phase One trade deal also includes the US permitting imports of Chinese poultry products into the US. Under the deal, the USDA has made the decision to grant equivalency status to Chinese poultry imports. As many of these Chinese products are considered “processed”, they are no longer subject to country-of-origin labeling requirements. It remains to be seen how domestic US poultry producers will see these rules in light of the benefits for larger foreign-owned agribusinesses. 

Chinese pork prices remain at record highs due to the deadly African swine fever. This devastating disease has introduced Chinese importers to a myriad of new avenues for protein supply. Not only have foreign pork imports increased, but also poultry and beef imports have risen sharply for products from Brazil, Argentina, the US, Australia, and even the UK. China’s AQSIQ certified list of approved meat manufacturers has risen to 850 plants in 18 countries. You can explore the full list HERE.

We supply all major pork and poultry products from SIF certified factories approved by the Chinese AQSIQ. We supply Chicken Feet, Paws, Middle-Joint Wings, in addition to pork products.


Year-to-Date export shipments between September 1 - December 31 fell almost 3% between 2018 and 2019. Export shipments fell 29% year-on-year between December 2018 and December 2019. Compared to last year at this time, when there were record shipments of California inshell walnuts and few available offers, many California processors still have product for prompt shipments available.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Many sellers and buyers have had a hard time making sense of the current market for California raisins. Prices have been unable to find solid footing until recently, despite what should be strong current shipments. 

California’s raisins’ traditional export markets have finally recovered from the disruption caused by widespread crop damage experienced during the 2017/2018 marketing year. This damage led to exceedingly high prices with few shipments and then a yo-yo to low prices that have helped export shipments to recover during the 2018/2019 marketing year. As we proceed through the 2019/2020 marketing year, a steady increase in export shipments should solidify a healthy rise in market prices for California NTS and DOV raisins. 

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


Prices for US and Canadian cranberries have been increasing lately due to the short crop being reported from the fields. This will continue to affect prices for 2020, especially as we enter the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 when the 2019 crop shortage becomes available after freezing, production, and packing. Expect prices to rise through 2020 and availability of Whole SDC to be limited as the year progresses. I recommend anyone not yet covered for their 2020 whole or sliced SDC needs make plans to secure their tonnage sooner rather than later.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.

Incoterms 2020 & More

Incoterms 2020

Happy New Year to all, I hope everyone’s 2020 is off to a great start. As we mark the beginning of a new decade, we also start the year with updated Incoterms, Incoterms 2020, which took effect on January 1, 2020. These internationally agreed upon commercial terms for shipping still include 11 terms, with 5 key changes. 

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) first standardized Incoterms as a means to encourage trade after the first world war in 1936. Today, Incoterms 2020 were decided on by the usual representatives of the US and Europe, with the inclusion this decade of terms introduced by China and Australia. The terms for 2020 include; for any mode of transport: EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DPU, DAP, DDP, and for ocean / waterway transport; FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF. 

To learn more about the changes and updates to Incoterms 2020, read this post.


The December 2019 Almond Board of California December Position Report was released on January 10, 2020. The report shows export shipments for California Almonds fell between November and December, down from two record breaking shipment months in October and November of 2019. Year to Date total export shipments rose 7% to 754 million pounds in 2019, up from YTD shipments of 705 million pounds in December 2018.

US California Almond Price 2020

The December 2019 Almond Board of California December Position Report was released on January 10, 2020. The report shows export shipments for California Almonds fell between November and December, down from two record breaking shipment months in October and November of 2019. Year to Date total export shipments rose 7% to 754 million pounds in 2019, up from YTD shipments of 705 million pounds in December 2018.


The upcoming Phase One trade deal between the US and China is likely to bring much needed relief to US soybean exporters. The ongoing trade war between the world’s largest economies has caused a critical decline in exports from the US to China, reaching the lowest levels during the 2018 / 2019 marketing year. 

USA Soybean Price 2020

US Soybean exports to China in the 2019 / 2020 marketing year have increased over this time last year, even amid reports of damage to US crops from heavy flooding and other environmental factors. I expect these environmental factors combined with looser restrictions on shipments to China will continue to strengthen US soybean export prices.

We supply GMO and Non-GMO Soybeans and Soybean Meal of all sizes, grades and styles.


At the end of November 2019 China lifted its ban on U.S. poultry imports. Due to the outbreak of African Swine Fever and its devastating effects on China’s protein supply, China has resumed importing US chicken and turkey products after a 4 year moratorium. The decision could mean some USD $1 billion in annual shipments of chicken feet alone  to the PRC, with another USD $1.2 billion in other poultry products, according to a U.S. National Chicken Council Statement.   

The upcoming Phase One trade deal between the US and China is likely to aid in increasing poultry exports in addition to China’s increased demand due to African Swine Fever. In the first nine months of 2019 alone, China’s imports of chicken surged almost 50%, a value of USD $1.3 billion for global exporters. China’s increase in demand for poultry products is likely to continue to strengthen chicken prices worldwide.

We supply all major pork and poultry products from SIF certified factories approved by the Chinese AQSIQ. We supply Chicken Feet, Paws, Middle-Joint Wings, in addition to pork products.


Year-to-Date export shipments between September 1 - December 31 fell almost 3% between 2018 and 2019. Export shipments fell 29% year-on-year between December 2018 and December 2019. Turkey had a large increase in year-on-year shipments with Italy and the UAE rounding out the top 3 export markets for California walnuts in the 2019/2020 marketing year so far. 

USA California Walnut Price 2020

Quite remarkably, Pakistan’s YTD shipments were down 100% to zero against last year’s record shipments for Pakistan of 10,804,474 pounds. Last year’s shipments to PAK were likely the result of increased tariffs on California walnuts in India, making the PAK corridor into the Indian subcontinent ripe for smugglers avoiding these tariffs. Similarly, Vietnam, a common cross-border smuggling route into China saw a similar decrease in export shipments this year over last. It’s hard to say why Pakistan’s shipments went to zero and Vietnam’s shipments fell by half; perhaps the Indian and Chinese governments have since cracked down on these traditional cross-border routes.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


California raisin prices have stabilized entering 2020 with prices rising slightly over their openings earlier this past fall. High demand for both Jumbo and Select size fancy Golden raisins has led to tight supply, with many seller’s fully committed at this time.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


Availability of Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) has been tight. High demand in combination with a short cranberry crop this year is serving to drive up prices for both Sliced and Whole SDC. Many packers are not even offering long term contracts, choosing instead to wait and offer only spot / prompt shipment business. 

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


Global demand remains high for California pistachios, keeping pricing stable and export shipments strong. As we enter the Lunar New Year for much of Asia we expect demand to taper off in the coming weeks, picking back up after the first week in February. 

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.

Global Ag Update


The 2019/2020 Brazilian soybean crop is set to eclipse the total US soybean crop for the first time ever. US soybean production has dropped off precipitously due to extreme flooding and related weather events throughout the US heartland this year. Add to this the ongoing trade war between the US and China and these market forces are further encouraging Brazil to continue to increase its production as Chinese buyers transition away from their traditional US suppliers.

According to sources, Brazil’s new crop yields are estimated to be 25% higher than the US’ total production for the 2019 crop of 96.6 million metric tons.

Brazil Soybean Production Surpasses USA Soybean Production

We supply GMO and Non-GMO Soybeans and Soybean Meal of all sizes, grades and styles.

Pork, Poultry, & Beef

The aptly named Chinese Year of the Pig will be remembered due to the massive outbreaks of African Swine Fever sweeping across Asia. As a result, imports of foreign grown pork, poultry, and beef have greatly increased to help fill the gaps in demand left by this devastating illness.

The desperation felt by Chinese importers in the face of this situation can be seen in the recent seizure by Hong Kong customs of 540 Metric Tons of smuggled frozen meats with an estimated market value of USD $6,400,000 in waters outside of Hong Kong. Read article here.

During the period, June 2018 - Oct. / Nov. 2019, pork shipments to China increased from foreign trading partners with Spain, Germany, USA, and Brazil taking the top spots most recently.

Chinese Pork Imports by Country.png

We supply all major pork, poultry, and beef products from SIF certified factories approved by the Chinese AQSIQ. We supply Chicken Feet, Paws, Middle-Joint Wings, in addition to our pork and beef products.


Last week, the November Position report from the Almond Board of California was released showing higher YTD receipts than last November’s YTD. As we approach the end of the 2019 Almond harvest, it appears that the crop is likely to settle around 2.4 billion lbs. That said, many packers continue to report surprising regional variations in production and yields in California’s Almond crop this year. Due to this, it is proving harder to judge what the total receipts will be for the year and only time will tell where the 2019 total crop number finally settles. 

In light of record shipments in November of 2018, the position report shows that shipments for November 2019 were essentially the same. These numbers are buoyed by domestic almonds sales which continue to be strong while international shipments were predictably weakest in the APEC region; mainly the Chinese market, including Hong Kong, with the usual smuggling routes in Vietnam well under last year’s marks. 

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


In-shell walnut sales have steadied off from California due to a combination of high prices, an influx of Chinese walnuts entering California’s traditional In-shell markets like Turkey, and the approaching new year holidays. Quality has been exceptional this year for California walnuts and we look forward to any current inquiries as there is still some volume to ship before shelled walnuts sales take over as we enter 2020 and the new decade. 

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


California raisin prices are beginning to find their footing again with sales picking up as many buyers are taking advantage of the great prices available now to make long term contracts. Our recommendation would be to take advantage of these prices now as they are likely to rise through 2020. Due to a historic drought in Chile, the South American crop is likely to be much smaller than in previous years which is likely to force buyers to consider alternatives like California and South Africa to fill their typical needs. 

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


All growers and processors in North America (USA & Canada) have been reporting a massively short crop this year. This is likely to drive prices up for conventional sliced SDCs to highs not seen in some years, if ever. We are already seeing the effects of this on the wider markets in the form of Spot only offers with few, if any packers offering stable pricing for 12 months in 2020. Most packers reporting their preference to offer out spot or short term contracts to better gauge the effects of the short crop on 2020’s production and shipments.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


To date, the US pistachio crop looks like it will settle around 731 million pounds (331,000 MT). We have seen large decreases in export shipments of inshell and closed shell shipments, which YTD are around 20% lower than at this time last year. This decrease is likely due to a later than normal harvest this year in combination with an earlier Chinese New Year closing out this sales period earlier than last year. This decrease in shipments can also likely be affected by the ongoing trade war between the US and China. We all hope with the most recent agreement for a Phase One trade deal with China will lend some stability to all of California’s export ag products in the coming year. 

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.

Record Almond Shipments


With shipments of the 2019 California almond crop well underway we are seeing the highest shipments every achieved for an October in industry history, with a 6.89% gain on last year’s historic October (2018). Further, receipts are beginning to paint a picture of pronounced variations in yields between geographical areas as Blue Diamond’s Bill Morecroft noted about this year’s almond crop recently, “there was more geographical diversity in yields this year than any in recent memory.'' This is similar to reports from the field for California’s walnuts, which also show larger differences in yields between geographic regions than in past years.

The most recent Almond Board of California Position report shows YTD receipts of 1.590 billion pounds, which was up 37 million pounds from last October’s YTD receipts. Demand continues to be strong in all markets with some regions like the Middle East (+114%) and Europe (+14%) increasing noticeably in volume. Trade issues between the US and China continue to be an impediment to shipments to the ASEAN region, but still have not impacted overall demand as reflected in October’s record shipment numbers.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


Sales of California walnuts are ongoing with inshell pricing stabilizing as sellers react to the receipts from the field. Similar to this year’s almond crop, walnut receipts are also showing large variations in yields between geographic regions. Although the Chandler crop is coming in shorter than expected, we have seen good quality kernels cracked out with grades showing high % light and % yield.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Demand for California raisins has remained strong from domestic customers while export sales had slowed briefly during the summer months. Sales and shipments to the ASEAN region have increased in recent weeks with pricing for Thompson Selects finally finding its footing in the export markets.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


October 2019’s crop receipts were some 729 million pounds, or 330,000 MT. Estimates were for a larger crop than what has been received so far. The full crop size will be known more fully in the coming weeks. We have seen that shipments are down almost 7% versus this same period in 2018. Some sellers are attributing this to a later harvest and small carry in with shipments expected to remain high throughout November and December of 2019.

As we approach the new year in December and enter 2020 in January it is likely that prices will stabilize. Due to last year’s small carry in, it seems this year will be no exception and a smaller than expected total crop will only serve to firm pricing on California’s pistachio crop through Chinese New Year and the first half of 2020.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


Pecan prices remain firm and stable, even as some of the crop recovers from the damage caused by last year’s tropical storm season. With strong demand in most markets, we are seeing sales continue for both in-shell and shelled product at a normal rate. Growers are currently picking up the remaining pecans they have in their orchards, with many beginning to prepare for next year in the coming weeks.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


Many producers across the United States and Canada are reporting lower than expected crop yields with much of the harvest complete at this stage.The full extent of the shortfall is still not completely known. The size of this crop will determine the future pricing and availability of Sweetened Dried Cranberries with some expecting pricing to rise considerably. This will likely take some time as the new harvest will not be completely frozen and ready for production until early 2020. Expect by mid 2020, when inventory and 2019 crop size are known, supply will decrease while prices rise accordingly.

We recommend our customers looking to book their needs for 2020 earlier rather than later to take advantage of today’s great pricing on prompt and early 2020 SDC shipments.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

Chandler Crop Down


The California chandler harvest is nearing the final stages, and many packers are anticipating that within the next two weeks the majority of the harvest will be completed. As the larger growers reach the end of their harvest, we are beginning to see that the total quantity of the crop is likely much lower than first anticipated. Some handlers are reporting their receiving records for Chandler may be off as much as 10-15% over last year with some packers reporting Howards may be off as much as 30%. 

If the reduced crop size being reported is correct, the total overall crop could be around 600,000 tons which would be some 70,000 tons short of the original estimate. This may ultimately cushion California packers’ higher opening prices from any potential competition from lower priced international origins like China and the Baltics. 

We have heard that China is selling walnuts at a lower price to buyers in Turkey and elsewhere, although it is difficult to know if the quality and standards compared to those in the USA. Many buyers who are testing this origin do so cautiously in case consumers do not approve of quality or the taste from China’s walnut orchards. 

Due to this purchasing movement in China and the Baltics, some California packers think that shipments may be down briefly in the short term, but picking up again around December and we head into the New Year. It is unlikely that prices will come down for California walnuts if the crop turns out to be as short as receipts suggest. Once the extent of the short crop is more widely known, prices are likely to firm through the New Year, into Chinese New Year, and through Ramadan. California walnuts will be some of the best and only supply through these key purchasing periods as Chile continues to experience a record breaking drought that will affect their walnut production leading into April / May 2020. 

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Demand for California pistachios remains high with many packers continuing to report a smaller than expected total crop. Similar to what we have seen in walnuts, the pistachio crop is being harvested later than usual, perhaps due to heavier than usual rains experienced throughout the Central Valley this past spring. 

As pistachios are already a nut in high demand around the world, expect the shorter crop to firm prices through the next major purchasing periods of New Year, Chinese New Year, and Ramadan.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


New crop offers for halves and pieces are becoming more widely available entering November and December. It seems this year’s crop has recovered some from the damage of 2018’s hurricanes and last year’s smaller crop in Texas. Favorable conditions and a lack of major weather events this year mean steady supply which has led to some lower than expected opening prices in the Southern US growing regions. 

The trade issues with China will no doubt continue to negatively affect many in-shell pecan sellers across the US as we have seen pricing soften in the last months.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


The California raisin harvest is approaching the final few weeks with receipts from the field showing great quality fruit. Japan remains a major player for California raisins while other buying regions continue to explore lower priced origins. Chile is experiencing historic droughts that will affect their total raisin output in 2020. California raisin prices may firm in the early part of 2020 as a result. 

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


The Wisconsin, USA crop is currently estimated to be smaller than last year with both Massachusetts, USA and British Columbia, Canada looking to be shorter as well. Although many growers are reporting that it is likely too soon to say for sure, their guess is that overall this year’s crop could be down 1 - 1.2mm barrels.

We think once the totals come in after the harvest is over and processors assess their current inventories it is likely prices will rise. This is unlikely to hit the broader market for some months though, as many processors and buyers have current stocks to work through. 

There is wide availability on organic whole and sliced sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs). Conventional whole SDC availability is tighter than conventional sliced SDC. Without handler withholdings for the year ahead and with successful harvests, we anticipate more reliable supply and stable prices than in the past year.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


After what many believed to be a great start to the US sunflower crop, has slowly turned from bad to worse as weather deteriorates. According to a recent report from North Dakota’s Department of Agriculture, some 4% of the state’s total sunflower crop has been harvested. With recent snow and colder temperatures the breadth of these problems are likely not yet known. If these weather events lead to a short crop, prices for US sunflower will certainly rise in the coming weeks. 

We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.

Pistachio & Walnut Update


Despite the later and smaller crop, pistachio shipments in September came in fairly strong.

Pistachio Price USA Short Crop

The top destinations for exports included Germany (5.1MM lbs), Hong Kong (3.7), China (1.5), and Spain (0.8).

Top Pistachio Export Destination Ports 2019

Prices are firming for U.S. pistachios as expectations for a smaller crop than expected are becoming more widespread. Record shipments last year even in spite of tariffs evidence the strong global appetite for U.S. pistachios. Since the current 2019 / 2020 crop is an “off” production year, demand will likely exceed supply. Therefore, prices are expected to be firm and the next crop transition is likely to be very tight as the current crop is sold swiftly. Any resolution to the trade war and reductions of Chinese tariffs on U.S. pistachios would put additional upward pressure on pricing. Given the likelihood of a firming market and limited supply, buyers would be wise to cover current and future needs earlier rather than later.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


The size of the Chandler crop remains unknown as harvesting is still underway but so far kernel yields are looking similar or below last year, which was a sub-par year. There are also reports that the shells on Chandler are harder and thicker than normal which may lead to lower halves yields than normal. The outcome of the Chandler crop will be the key driver of availability and pricing going forward. There is considerable variability by region, field, grower, etc in the Chandler crop which makes forecasting difficult. As more nuts are received in the next 10 days, the picture of the crop will become more clear.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


New crop shipments are just around the corner and we have seen stable pricing so far. The recent estimate from the National Pecan Sheller’s Association (NPSA) for a U.S. crop of 303MM lbs lifted expectations of the total supply for new crop. The trade war with China continues to cast uncertainty on shipments for the coming year, though we have heard of some business to China getting done recently even in spite of the Chinese tariffs on U.S. pecans. An easing of tariffs would motivate Chinese purchasing of U.S. origin pecans and probably lower reliance on other origins like Mexico and South Africa.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


Excellent quality California Thompson raisins are available for prompt shipment from the new crop. Fancy jumbo golden raisins are selling out quickly and there are fewer and fewer jumbos available compared to past years. With ample supplies available, great quality, and attractive pricing, the value proposition of California raisins is compelling.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


There is wide availability on organic whole and sliced sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs). Conventional whole SDC availability is tighter than conventional sliced SDC. Without handler withholdings for the year ahead and with successful harvests, we anticipate more reliable supply and stable prices than in the past year.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


Wet weather in North Dakota has delayed the sunflower harvest and is adding uncertainty to the size and quality of the new crop. Record levels of moisture in September and October were observed. The governor of North Dakota declared a statewide flood emergency asking for federal assistance to help farmers in the wake of a snowstorm and continued rains through the harvest season. The forecast going forward is for a week of clear weather so hopes are high for the weather to turn favorable so harvesting progress can be made. Given also reduced acreage planted for all specialty crops, prices may rise for U.S. No. 1 quality. In the next few weeks, the picture of the new crop of sunflower from the U.S. should become more clear.

We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.

Chandler Walnut Update


The new California walnut crop is coming in later and shorter than expected. Reports from the orchards suggest the early varieties are down significantly compared to last year. The Chandler variety, which represents about 60% of the total California walnut crop, will be received soon and should provide a clearer picture of total new crop production.

California Chandler Walnut Harvest down

Based on the Objective Measurement, the average nut set per tree declined for the total walnut crop (16%) and for all varieties including Chandler (5%), Hartley (31%), Howard (25%), Tulare (29%), and Vina (25%). Some California walnut growers are expecting the total crop to come in at or below the Objective Measure estimate of 630K tons. We have yet to hear more optimistic expectations for the new crop. As the Chandler harvest ramps up and more receipts are seen, the picture of the total crop size will become more clear.

With a tighter supply situation, later harvest, and rising prices in recent weeks, many walnut packers are off the market or offering only selectively. Since the crop size remains unclear, many handlers are continuing to take a patient approach to marketing the new crop in order to avoid selling early at lower prices and to avoid becoming oversold if the crop comes in below expectations, as many anticipate. We have seen business done at higher price levels and so far the global demand appetite looks strong. Given the shorter and later crop, the marketing season for in-shell and shelled walnuts this year will be much longer in duration compared to last year. We continue to see upside potential in pricing given the disappointing receipts of early varieties and the potential for Chandler to be down more than expected.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


The Almond Industry Position Report for September 2019 showed year-to-date crop receipts from August 1st to September 30th of 839MM lbs, up 0.71% from last year. Over the same period, domestic shipments totaled 117MM lbs, down 0.28% and export shipments totaled 227MM lbs, up 10.30%. In total, year to date shipments are 344MM lbs, up 6.47% over the prior year period. Total committed shipments are up 19.26% with domestic up 16.67% and export up 21.22%. Almond handlers are assessing crop receipts to determine how much the new crop will be down compared to last year. Prices have been firm amid a tight transition to new crop and lower estimates or yields this year.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


New crop pricing is available and earliest available shipments are available in mid-December for new crop halves and pieces. Prices have been stable in recent weeks. The National Pecan Sheller’s Association (NPSA) met recently and released an estimate of the new US pecan crop of 303MM lbs which is larger than the estimates made by the Tri-State and Texas Growers Association of 266MM lbs and 257MM lbs, respectively. The NPSA’s higher estimate is driven by better performance out of recently planted acreage. The NPSA also anticipates a recovery in production after recent setbacks including damaged southeastern acreage from 2018 hurricanes and smaller crops from Texas. With a return to better growing conditions and favorable weather events, the new pecan crop may exceed 300MM lbs.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


Expectations for a smaller U.S. crop and strong global demand are putting upward pressure on new crop pricing.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


The size of the new 2019 raisin crop is not yet known but reports so far indicate excellent quality. California Natural Thompson Seedless (NTS) selects are available and we welcome your inquiries.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


The latest crops of cranberries look to be of superb quality. There are no handler withholdings (supply reductions) mandated by the Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) which is a plus for the supply-side. Organic whole and sliced sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs) availability remains strong. Growing crops from Canada on the organic side are helping add to total supply. Availability on conventional whole SDCs remains more challenged than for conventional sliced SDCs.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

California In-shell Walnut Update


With strong demand for in-shell walnuts, California packers have been comfortably positioned to sell as much or as little as they would like in recent weeks. Many packers went into the market and moved the tonnage they wanted (for now) and have subsequently withdrawn to assess sold positions and contemplate next moves. Since the walnut harvest is later this year, California packers are under less pressure to move in-shell right now. The amount of tonnage which has been received at plants remains relatively minimal so the motivation remains to wait and see the crop come in before offering out more extensively, particularly for in-shell in Jumbo sizes and high half count kernel like Chandler LHP 80%. With plenty of time and crop available to sell, walnut packers have been patient and offering at stable or higher prices while awaiting more receipts to come in from the walnut orchards. Demand has been robust and there is a lot of buying which has yet to be done, particularly for Jumbo Chandler.

Across the California walnut industry, handlers are displaying patience and confidence in the demand environment compared to last year when trade related concerns motivated a flurry of early and active selling, often at ever lower prices. The lack of urgency on the part of sellers this year also has to do with the surprisingly low Objective Measurement which estimates a crop of 630K tons. Pricing increased after the report and sellers are eager to see the extent to which the USDA’s estimate for a smaller crop is substantiated by the actual crop receipts. If the crop is short, as numerous growers and handlers have commented recently, we may continue to see steadily rising prices throughout the year for in-shell and shelled walnuts and therefore buyers would be wise to cover early.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


The Almond Position Report for August showed total shipments of 148MM lbs, down 4.2% from the prior year. Domestic shipments were down 6.9% while export shipments were down 2.2%. The tight transition to new crop and related shortages of pollinizer varieties helps explain the slow shipment month in addition to the later harvest in most growing regions this year.

Receipts in August totaled 200MM lbs, up 5.7% compared to last year. As more of the crop comes in over the next few months, the industry will be better positioned to assess the total size of the new California almond crop. With the wide gap between the Objective (2.2 billion pounds) and the Subjective (2.5 billion pounds), the industry seems to currently be somewhere near the middle by informally estimating about 2.4 billion pounds for the new 2019 California almond crop. Almond crop receipts in the coming months will help clear up some of the ambiguity around the total new crop size. However, based on the numbers currently under discussion, the next crop transition is likely to be tight as it was this past year which will have a firming effect on prices.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


There remains availability on bulk conventional sliced sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs) while availability on conventional whole SDCs is more challenged. On the organic side, there are ample supplies of both sliced and whole.

The Cranberry Marketing Committee recently posted the 2018 Q4 position report for the Cranberry Industry which shows total ending inventories declining to 5.9 million barrels for the 2018 crop year.

Bulk Sweetened Dried Cranberry Marketing Committee Prices

Comparing the 2018 crop year (09/01/18 - 08/31/19) to the prior year shows a slight increase in domestic production from 8.1 to 8.7 million barrels. There was also a substantial (+43%) increase in foreign acquired cranberries from 1.4 to 2.0 million barrels, adding to total available supply. Domestic sales decreased by 8% while international sales were up 3%. In 2017, the USDA issued a 15% Handler’s Withholding and in 2018 issued a 25% Producer Allotment for U.S. cranberries. Ending inventory decreased by 14% or nearly 1 million barrels. For the year ahead, there are no mandated producer allotments which have the effect of lowering supply.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


The new crop of U.S. pecans is estimated to be in the range of 257MM to 266MM lbs based on estimates from the Texas Pecan Growers Association and Tri-State Growers Association, respectively. New crop prices are available and earliest available shipment positions are being filled and we welcome your inquiries.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


After booming export shipments of pistachios to export markets last year, U.S. pistachio processors are making their way through the tight transition period to new crop. Shipments to China have been extremely strong despite the tariffs. We are now booking new crop in-shell and kernel business and welcome your inquiries.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


New crop quality looks excellent and there are ample supplies of bulk California raisins available at competitive prices. At current prices, the value proposition of California raisins -- with excellent quality at relatively low cost -- is strong and we anticipate renewed interest in the months ahead. New crop Jumbo Golden raisins are selling out quickly and there are fewer jumbo sized golden raisins compared to past years.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


Since early summer, prices for U.S. sunflower have climbed. The crop is behind in terms of maturity and wet weather is not helping the situation.

We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.

California Walnut Harvest Update


As expected, California walnut prices rose after the surprisingly low Objective Measurement estimate for a crop of 630K tons released on August 30th. Packers withdrew from the market until the handler meeting on September 5th and offers have been limited in recent days, especially on Chandler in-shell walnuts. There is a widespread motivation to wait and see the nuts coming in from the orchards in order to gauge the crop size and characteristics. Given the low Objective, suppliers are keen to receive the crop and do crack-out tests so they can assess quality and yields before offering. This is especially the case for higher half count products like Chandler LHP 80%. As buyers remain eager to fill orders for earliest available shipments and sellers hold-out, prices are rising. 

Is the 2019 walnut crop short? If so, by how much? If the crop comes in as the Objective suggests at 630K tons, that would be significantly lower than the recent Subjective estimate of 691K tons and also below last year’s crop of 676K tons. If demand remains strong like last year, as evidenced by robust shipments of both in-shell and kernel in the 2018/2019 season, suppliers will have no trouble moving the new crop. In this case, suppliers would be comfortable seeking out and waiting for the highest possible prices for their material. 

We expect Chandler in-shell offers to be available very soon. This past Friday, September 13, there was a meeting in northern California for walnut growers which will likely help formulate current price ideas. Offers and shipments will begin in earnest in the coming weeks so let us know if you have any immediate and long term contract needs for both in-shell and kernel.

We work with the best California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


There are new prices for bulk California Natural Thompson seedless raisins at lower levels. Prompt shipment deals are available. There are plentiful supplies of California raisins and we welcome your inquiries.

The 2019 California raisin harvest is underway. The first trays for raisin-drying were set on the ground to lay and dry in the sun around the week of September 26th which is slightly later than last year. The crop is estimated to be similar compared to the prior year. So far, quality looks excellent. 

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


New crop almond marketing is now quite active. The transition to new crop has been especially tight which can be seen in the carry-in as of August 1, 2019 of 318MM lbs down 11% compared to the same time last year.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


As we move closer to new crop pecan shipments, pricing is becoming more widely available for in-shell and shelled pecans and we welcome your inquiries.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


There is availability for Sliced and Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) and supplies are expected to be more plentiful in the year ahead which should enable more stable and attractive pricing compared to last year.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

California Walnut Crop Estimate Down


The much anticipated 2019 California Walnut Objective Measurement Report released last Friday forecasts production of 630K tons, down 6.8% or 46K tons from last year.

2019 California Walnut Crop Estimate Down

According to the report, the average nut set per tree is 983 on a state-wide basis which is down 16% from last year and 23% from the 5 year average of 1,273.

California walnut prices chandler jumbo

There are an estimated 365,000 bearing walnut acres this year in California, exceeding last year’s record of 350,000. Trees per bearing acre also set a new record of 76.9, up from 75.5 last year. In-shell weight (gm) was estimated at 22.7 this year, up slightly from last year. In-shell width and in-shell cross width were in line with last year. In-shell length (mm) is estimated at 38.8, up from last year’s measurement of 38.1. The kernel grade - percent sound came in at a new record of 98.9.

The 2019 California walnut crop began developing with record amounts of rain and bloomed about 7 to 10 days later than normal. No significant pest or disease problems were reported and crop quality is expected to be good. Harvest will begin this month.

As with almonds, it appears that weather conditions have negatively impacted the development of the walnut crop this year in California. Prices have risen in the last couple of weeks as most sellers were hesitant to offer and buyers were quite eager to put first available shipments on the books. Now, with an Objective Measurement which has the crop down from last year and below previous estimates for the new crop, we anticipate suppliers will be assessing their marketable crop and offering higher prices than in recent weeks as the 2019 California walnut harvest kicks-off. 

We expect activity to pick-up significantly for California walnuts this week since most suppliers have been withdrawn from the market in anticipation of the Objective Measurement which has now been released. Earliest available shipments of Jumbo Chandler In-shell to Mersin, Turkey and Jebel Ali, U.A.E. will be especially sought after and we welcome your inquiries.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


The 2019 U.S. pistachio crop is near completion and the industry seems to be confident in new crop production of 800 million pounds.

California Pistachio Price Crop Estimate 2019

Pistachio trees are alternate bearing, meaning that yields alternate between high and low on an annual basis. Albeit an off-year, the 2019 crop looks to be of good size and quality. New crop in-shell and shelled pistachio pricing is now available.

Current crop shipments of pistachios have been extremely strong even amid higher tariffs from China, a key buyer of pistachios. With record shipments this year, there is a lower carry-in to the new season. Since the new crop is an off-yield year, the total marketable crop from the U.S. will be lower than last year and with very robust demand, we see stable and rising pistachio prices ahead.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


New crop pricing is available for in-shell and shelled California almonds as well as for manufactured products. Current crop stocks continue to be very limited as the California almond industry faces a very tight transition to new crop.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


New crop in-shell and shelled pecan pricing is now available with earliest shipments beginning in December and January.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


Bulk California Thompson raisin prices have been stable in recent weeks. There are plenty of California Natural Thompson Seedless (NTS) select raisins available and quality is good. Long-term volume contracts are available. The new crop is developing well and is expected to be normal. 

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


All growing regions are expected to have average sized cranberry crops so we anticipate ample supply in the year ahead. This year there will also be no Marketing Order from the Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) which is also a positive for supply and availability of sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs). With growing acreage of organic cranberries, particularly in Canada, we anticipate good supply of sliced and whole organic SDCs.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

Pecan Industry Update


New crop pecan prices will be available within one month and current expectations are for a good crop. The pecan industry is expected to carry-out approximately 210MM pounds from 2018 which is about 25% higher than the carry-out levels in recent years. A typical carry-out is 160MM pounds, which is much lower than the current estimate for the 2018 carry-out. If accurate, this carry-out would be the second largest on record.

US Pecan Industry News.png

Higher than normal carry-in to the new 2019 pecan crop may be helpful in terms of supporting overall industry supply since early reports are indicating the Mexican crop may be down as much as 10 - 15% compared to last year.

For the new U.S. 2019 pecan crop, there are currently two estimates: 257MM lbs from the Texas Pecan Growers Association and 266MM lbs from the Tri-State Growers Association.

Pecan Prices.png

The Tri-State Growers Association is estimating a larger 2019 pecan crop compared to the Texas Growers Association primarily due to higher estimates for New Mexico (+5MM lbs), Texas (+8MM lbs), and other states (+9MM lbs) partially offset by a lower estimate for Georgia (-13MM lbs).

Pecan Crop Estimate (Tri-State Growers Association).png

Taking into account the U.S. crop estimates, higher carry-in, and lower crop in Mexico, the pecan industry may end up with total supply which is quite similar to last year. Provided these estimates are correct, there should be adequate supply to meet global demand.

China is a major buyer of U.S. pecans so the trade war and tariff situation will certainly impact marketing of the new crop as it did last year. If the trade war continues, some expect a similar pattern for prices as we saw last year. Namely, growers hold the line for October / December on in-shell prices and then prices bottom out in January / April, potentially with lower starting points on pricing. If the trade war is resolved and Chinese purchasing resurges, expect higher prices but with South Africa’s emerging supply on pecans, U.S. prices will probably not return to or exceed higher levels in past years.

We supply Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves (FJMH), Fancy Mammoth Halves, Fancy Pieces, and other sizes / types for all major U.S. pecan varieties.


Buyers are eager to put new crop California in-shell walnut orders on the books but nearly all packers are remaining patient and awaiting the Objective Estimate in September. In-shell Chandler walnut prices under discussion are slightly higher than a couple of weeks ago which is understandable given the combination of tentative suppliers and motivated buyers. It remains to be seen where prices will settle and the Objective Estimate will certainly play a significant role in determining the prices for new crop California Chandler in-shell walnuts.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


An extremely tight transition to new crop is underway in almonds. The latest Position Report for July showed shipments of 154MM lbs, setting a new record for July and exceeding last year by 7%. Overall, on a year-to-date basis, shipments totaled 2.26 billion pounds, just ahead of 2.25 billion pounds in the prior year. With these very strong shipment numbers and a smaller-than-expected new crop of 2.2 billion pounds based on the Objective Estimate, stocks are light and prices are firming, especially for pollinators. For new crop, in-shell offers are available along with first available shipment orders though many suppliers are only slowly and cautiously offering until crop receipts can be assessed directly.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


Prices for California Natural Thompson Seedless raisins are stable. Sellers remain motivated to move tonnage so volume contracts are an ideal way to secure the most competitive price.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


Prices for bulk sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs) remained stable in recent weeks. The standard sourcing challenges remain with respect to conventional SDCs though there remains good availability on organic whole and sliced SDCs.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

California In-Shell Walnut Sales Begin


Marketing of the new 2019 California walnut crop has started in earnest over recent weeks. Many California walnut packers are still not yet offering and are opting to receive some of the crop before doing so. In view of very strong shipments last year, the industry anticipates strong demand for in-shell and shelled California walnuts in the coming year. Accordingly, suppliers will be in no rush to unload their new crop, unlike last year when trade-related anxieties motivated a flurry of early and active selling, sometimes at ever lower prices. This year, California in-shell walnut prices are opening above last year and sellers appear more patient and confident in the marketplace even though tariff issues remain at play. 

The estimate from the California walnut handlers meeting put the new crop size at 691K tons which would be an increase from last year. The California crop is developing nicely with nuts sizing larger than last year according to some reports. Due to cooler temperatures, the crop development is a bit behind so expectations are for a slightly delayed harvest. Overall, quality expectations are strong at this time. The Objective Estimate, which should be published by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the USDA at the end of August will add further clarity as to the size of the new 2019 California walnut crop. 

We are already seeing strong demand from Turkey and the U.A.E., among others, for the first shipments of in-shell Chandler. Chile’s crop last year disappointed some expectations in terms of size and as a result, many in-shell buyers have a backlog of demand. Space on the first vessels to Mersin and Jebel Ali will fill up quickly. Expect first available shipments in the first half of October, depending on harvest timing. Over the next few weeks, we will be actively moving California in-shell walnuts -- particularly Chandler -- and welcome your inquiries.

In-Shell Chandler Walnuts.png
Cracked Chandler Walnuts.png

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


California raisin prices continued to decline in recent weeks. The value proposition of California raisins -- with high quality at lower price levels -- may begin to attract buyers. However, we cannot be sure when and how much unmet demand exists in the market given that so many customers covered early with Turkish, Chilean, and South African raisins. Perhaps these new price levels will interest European buyers and others who have remained on the sidelines. 

Today, California packers are eager to move tonnage and long-term volume contracts are being discussed in order to lock in customers at very competitive price levels. The Raisin Administrative Committee (RAC) is meeting later this month. Depending on the outcome of the meeting, we may have access to shipment reports which will help us get a sense for the pace of shipments in June and July. Based on our observations and estimates, shipments remain very weak. 

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


The California almond industry is currently in a very tight transition to new crop. Many packers have withdrawn from the market in order to reassess their market positions after the Objective Estimate for the 2019 almond crop of 2.2 billion pounds came as a shock to the industry. With a smaller crop expected, prices rose and now suppliers are re-entering the market to continue marketing the new almond crop, albeit tentatively since many would like to wait to assess receipts directly before marketing their crop more aggressively.  

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


Availability on Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDC) continues to be challenged. There is a meeting of the Cranberry Marketing Committee in August which should provide further information on what to expect going forward in the markets for SDCs.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

California Ag Mid-Summer Update


California raisin prices continue to trend lower, in competition with other origins. There are still plenty of bulk California Thompson raisins available in the Central Valley and attractive prices can be achieved, especially for high volume contracts.

June shipments of California raisins are unknown since the Raisin Administrative Committee (RAC) has now restricted access to monthly shipment reports. We understand the RAC will be meeting again in August to make further decisions on reports and nothing will be distributed until that time. We suspect shipments have continued to be very slow with purchasing from export markets down significantly. Domestic sales are also down this year. The latest data available from May showed the weakest total shipment month since the current 2018 / 2019 crop began shipping. Export shipments from the current 2018 / 2019 crop of Thompson Natural Seedless raisins from August to May are down a staggering 38% and 47% from 2017 / 2018 and 2016 / 2017, respectively. 

Major raisin markets, including Japan, have substituted California raisins for Turkish and other origins. California raisin prices have so far been too high to interest many domestic and export buyers alike. As a result, California packers will be carrying out a substantial volume of the current 2018 crop to the next season.

While we still have some time before the new 2019 California raisin harvest, there are concerns arising due to the wet weather in the Central Valley. Due to higher levels of precipitation, there is more moisture and mildew on the vines. Fungicide programs including spraying sulfur dust powder to quell mite and mildew are key to staying ahead of potential quality problems down the road. If raisin growers do not invest adequately, the product will fail quality tests on the basis of mold and mildew and reconditioning will be required. If such problems are widespread, the total marketable California raisin crop for 2019 may be much lower than expected. To make matters worse, some California raisin growers are expecting a lower field price in the coming year and are cutting back on expenses, including fungicide programs, which are especially essential this year due to the wet weather.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


Almond prices increased substantially after the objective estimate for a 2019 California almond crop of 2.2 billion pounds surprised the industry. Growers and processors are walking the almond orchards to assess crop development in order to substantiate the decrease in production size implied by the objective estimate. We suspect California almond packers will be offering only selectively, if at all, in the coming weeks until they see the initial new crop receipts which will be in mid to late August. However, pollinator varieties, which experienced a more severe decrease in nuts per tree than others, won’t be harvested until September and October. Therefore, the true extent of the smaller almond crop this year will not be known for some time and will likely perpetuate the wait-and-see position of packers with respect to marketing the remainder of the new almond crop. 

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


The California walnut harvest looks to be on track although many packers will wait to offer until they have had time to digest both the subjective estimate, which will be in the next few weeks, and the objective estimate, which is scheduled to be released at the end of August. Most packers will be offering only on a limited basis, if at all, until after these estimates have been made public. We have heard of some business on new crop Chandler in-shell walnuts being offered slightly above the opening prices for last year’s Chandler crop. 

At this stage, it is anyone’s guess where the market will ultimately open. There are some pressures for exporters this year with some of the headwinds the same, i.e. China and the ongoing trade war with the U.S., in addition to some new headwinds including India’s 120% tariff on U.S. walnuts this year. Last year there was quite a bit of transportation through Pakistan as a corridor to the Indian markets in order to avoid high Indian tariffs on California walnuts. This year, transshipping via Pakistan may be more difficult due to the suicide bomb attack on a convoy in Kashmir this past February, which is considered one of the worst attacks to happen in the Kashmir region in some time. The potential obstruction of this valuable transport corridor and higher Indian tariffs may adversely impact one of California’s largest markets for walnuts.

There were similar trade-related fears leading into last year’s walnut harvest although these fears turned out to be largely unfounded with California walnut shipments over the past year reaching record highs during a number of months.

With this past year’s shipments in mind, many packers will be approaching the opening of the season this fall with a more measured approach. We expect a number of California’s packers to take a wait-and-see approach as they are likely to be more concerned with getting the right price for their product over fears of not being able to move the crop.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Availability on Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) continues to be limited. The upcoming meeting of the Cranberry Marketing Committee in August will likely include information to give a more refined sense for the future of the bulk SDC markets. There are still a number of weeks left in the growing season before the harvest happens in September / October. It remains to be seen in the coming weeks if there will be any weather events, such as hail storms, which could adversely affect the crop. Many of the larger packers are well sold these days and expect prices to remain stable through the fall.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

2019 Almond Objective Estimate


The objective estimate for California’s 2019 almond production is 2.2 billion pounds, down 12% from May’s subjective estimate of 2.5 billion pounds, which came as a surprise to the industry.

If the total 2019 crop does come out at 2.2 billion pounds, this production level would mark a decrease of 3.5% from last year’s California almond crop. The 2019 estimated average nut set per tree is down by 17.8% and 22.4% from last year and the 5 year average, respectively.

By variety, compared to the average nut set per tree last year, nonpareil almonds experienced the smallest decrease (10.1%) compared to Butte (12.2%), Monterey (17.5%), Cal. (22.7%), Carmel (23.4%), and Padre (26.8%). By region, the Sacramento Valley experienced a lesser decrease (12.2%) compared to the San Joaquin Valley (18.6%).

The lower nut set per tree and lower total production estimate in the 2019 California almond objective estimate are triggering discussions of the conditions of the evolution of this crop. Unusual weather, cooler than average temperatures, and rainfall during the bloom obstructed pollination. In some areas, strong winds also damaged trees. Overall crop development of the 2019 California almond crop is thought to be about a week behind last year.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


California raisin prices continue to be competitive, especially for large volume deals as packers work to move tonnage prior to the new crop harvest. Shipments of California Natural Seedless raisins in May were the lowest in 7 months. From August 2018 to May 2019, shipments of bulk California Natural Seedless raisins totaled 162K MT, 26% lower than the prior year. Compared to the prior year period, shipments to domestic and Canadian markets were down 20% while shipments to export markets were down a staggering 38%.

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


As the world gears up for the California Almond harvest and suppliers begin to offer new crop pricing, suppliers of California Walnuts will do the same. Through the month of July, many suppliers will be assessing their trees and begin offering New Crop In-shell Chandler and Howard as well as earlier varieties such as Serr and Vina.

Due to the ongoing trade escalations between the U.S. and our largest trading partners, there will undoubtedly be some uncertainty in the effects tariffs will have on sales. Many suppliers in California entered the 2018 harvest with cautiously low prices, uncertain how tariffs and trade wars would affect their sales. These fears turned out to be largely unfounded as California not only quickly sold out of Chandler walnuts, but also subsequently set monthly shipment records at the end of 2018 and into 2019. This year, sellers will be less likely to be so swayed by threats of tariffs, likely opting to open prices cautiously, without letting so much volume go out the door in early sales as compared to last year.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Availability on Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDC)s continues to be a challenge. The Cranberry Marketing Committee is meeting in August which will likely result in additional information regarding the year ahead for SDCs.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

California Natural Seedless Raisin Update


Bulk California Thompson raisin prices are falling as raisin packers compete to move tonnage. Unique price opportunities are available for high-volume contracts and we welcome your inquiries.

With good quality and availability on the current 2018 / 2019 California Thompson raisin crop, we suspect the principal drivers of low shipments to be related to demand as a result of high prices. Other raisin growing origins including Turkey, South Africa, and Chile picked up market share from California last year when California struggled with a short and rain-damaged crop. The opening prices for the current 2018 / 2019 California crop -- which were especially high due to the record field price set by the Raisin Bargaining Association (RBA) this year -- helped incentivize some raisin importers to stay with non-California origins even when California offers the highest quality available globally.

The last three years of California Natural Seedless raisin shipments to export markets and the described key developments help illustrate the current state of the California raisin market:

During the 2017 / 2018 season for California raisins, shipments were lower than the prior year due to resting vines (smaller bunch counts) and rain-damage while the raisins were drying, resulting in a smaller crop with high risks of quality problems (sand, grit, mold, etc.). California raisin prices rose during the 2017 / 2018 year as availability waned and shortages arose, giving way to an extremely low carry-out. That year, buyers of California raisins were forced to cover their needs elsewhere -- namely, with Turkey, South Africa, and Chile origins -- given that California’s raisin crop was short, expensive, and burdened with quality issues due to the unexpected rains. Even California packers imported foreign raisins to cover some of their customers needs. It was not uncommon for buyers of California product to experience rising prices and decreasing quality. Many U.S. raisin buyers also looked outside the country to cover their raisin needs, resulting in big increases in imports from alternative origins such as Uzbek and Afghan raisins in addition to the more well known origins of Chile and South Africa.

Despite there now being ample supply of high quality California raisins, in the 2018 / 2019 season, shipments have been even slower than last year when there was widespread crop damage. Many California raisin buyers who turned elsewhere in the 2017 / 2018 season have evidently not yet returned to cover their raisin needs with California product.

Prices for California Natural Thompson Seedless raisins were relatively high at the beginning of the 2018 / 2019 season due in part to the elevated prices carried over from the prior season (when there were crop shortages) and principally due to the high field price -- the highest on record -- set by the RBA this year. The latest RBA price may have been informed partly by the prices at the end of the 2017 / 2018 season, when prices for California raisins were likely not tethered to reality as it was not clear that much tonnage was even sold at such high prices anyway. Due to these compounding factors, many buyers elected to cover much of their annual raisin needs from other origins, at cheaper prices, for the 2018 / 2019 season.

The slower sales and shipments in recent months are motivating packers to lower their prices to try to win new business. These packers are assuming, perhaps optimistically, that there remains unmet demand in the market and that these lower prices could motivate sales. It is hard to know the extent to which weaker shipments are simply related to price or if they represent a deeper and more unsettling trend of continuing substitution away from California.

The weak May shipment report further evidences the slow pace of sales as the total tonnage of California raisins moved in May was the lowest in 7 months. The May Shipment report for California raisins showed 15,838 packed tons of Natural Seedless raisins shipped, including 10,566 MT for domestic and Canada and 5,272 MT to export markets. From August 2018 to May 2019, shipments of bulk California Natural Seedless raisins totaled 162K MT, 26% lower than the prior year. Compared to the prior year period, shipments to domestic and Canadian markets were down 20% while shipments to export markets were down a staggering 38%.

Japan, California’s largest export market by a vast margin, is down 41% for the period from August to May for the current crop. For the current 2018 / 2019 crop, California has shipped on average 1,656 MT per month to Japan which lags below average shipments in 2017 and 2018 by 39% and 24%, respectively.

Japan’s lower imports of California raisins this year are especially concerning for California packers given that global superiority on quality has been understood as essential to serving Japan’s raisins needs. Japanese raisin buyers, more than any other market, have been willing to pay a premium for Double-Run Supreme and Special Grade raisins, which are processed to very strict quality standards. With imports of California raisins down in the current year, it is hard to know whether sales are suppressed due to Japan purchasing from other origins, which may have acceptable quality at a more competitive price. Alternatively, buyers may be covering only hand-to-mouth and waiting for California raisin prices to continue to go lower, at which time they will book more substantial volume in line with prior years.

Japan may be the most recent case of origin substitution away from California raisins, which is clearly observed in the UK and Germany over the last couple of years. For the current 2018 / 2019 crop, California has shipped on average 265 MT per month to Germany which lags below average shipments in 2017 and 2018 by 70% and 13%, respectively.

For the current 2018 / 2019 crop, California has shipped on average 113 MT per month to the U.K. which lags below average shipments in 2017 and 2018 by 84% and 54%, respectively.

Today, excellent quality California Natural Thompson Seedless Select raisins, Flame raisins, DOV raisins, and other varieties are available at very competitive prices and we look forward to the opportunity to quote.

The USDA released the 2018 California Raisin Grape Mechanical Harvest Report on June 11th, 2019, showing total raisin acreage mechanically harvested 45,429 or about 30% of California’s total raisin acreage. Of this 30% which was mechanically harvested, 29% of acres are specifically planted using an overhead trellis system, the technology employed to grow and harvest dried-on-the-vine (DOV) raisins. The share of acres mechanically harvested by raisin variety were led by Selma Pete which had 68% mechanical harvesting, followed by Fiesta (50%), other raisin types (30%), and Thompson Seedless (25%).

We supply all major bulk California raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


While there is some availability from the current crop, the developing 2019 pistachio crop is now in focus.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


For Almonds, Non-Pareil availability is virtually non-existent as most suppliers are sold-out or booked until the new crop. Many suppliers will not be offering new crop pricing until after the NASS Objective Almond Estimate which will be released in July.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


California is virtually completely sold or committed on walnuts. We now having discussions with buyers regarding new crop needs.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


The upcoming meeting of the Cranberry Marketing Committee in August will likely include information to give a more refined sense for the future of the bulk sweetened dried cranberry markets.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

Happy Eid Al-Fitr


Prices for bulk Natural Thompson Seedless raisins have stabilized. Based on the slow and steady pace of sales, the California raisin industry will have a larger carry-in to the next crop which will play a role in summer spot orders and new crop pricing.

The new 2019 California raisin crop is developing well so far. There may be some issues due to the recent rainy weather in the Central Valley though the full impact on the raisin crop remains to be seen. Growers without aggressive fungicide programs may be more impacted than growers who are actively investing on this front. Timing-wise, the new California raisin crop may progressing more slowly than normal. The weather in September will be particularly important for the new 2019 raisin crop. In 2017 / 2018, unexpected thunderstorms while the raisins were drying caused major damage to the crop. All hopes are for favorable weather without any damaging precipitation as the California raisin growing season progresses.

We supply all major bulk California, Chilean, and South African raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


Pistachio shipments this year have set new records. Shipments of open in-shell from September 2018 to April 2019 totaled 338 MM lbs, up 26% from the prior year period. Strong shipments of a crop with record production at high prices further compel new plantings of pistachios in California.

Pistachio production continues to break records with 3 of the last 5 crops coming in at new highs. Pistachio trees are alternate bearing, meaning production tends to alternate between high and low yields from year to year. The 2015 pistachio crop of 270 MM lbs in 2015 was low both due to the “off” year and due to the drought in California. The 4-year period from the fall of 2011 to the fall of 2015 was the driest since record keeping began in 1895.

The 2018 crop was especially strong, coming in at a new record of 987 MM lbs according to data from the Administrative Committee for Pistachios. California has had no issues shipping yet another record crop and has benefited this year from Iran having a weak crop and trade issues due to U.S. sanctions.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


Due to strong shipments this year, the transition to new crop is tight. Customers are eager for the new crop but most suppliers are off the market until the July Estimate is released though new crop non-pareil in-shell (NPIS) offers are available now.

The 2018 California Almond Nursery Sales Report published on Friday showed there were at least 10.1 million almond trees sold by California nurseries since June 1, 2017.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


Demand for Chandler walnuts is still strong but supplies are very difficult to come by, especially for light and extra light material. There is better availability in combo at the moment. There is availability remaining of non-chandler LHP, LMP, and LSP. New crop needs are currently being discussed and new crop forward contracts are available for some products. The new California walnut crop is developing similar to last year. There are reports of a good amount of clusters and no significant drops to date.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


For bulk sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs), prices are relatively stable. Availability of conventional whole sweetened dried cranberries continues to be tight but there is good availability of organic whole SDCs. Sales to China, a major buyer of SDCs, is slower due to the tariffs. After the meeting of the Cranberry Marketing Committee in August, there will likely be more information to determine the state of the market for SDCs and to form a clearer view of the months ahead.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

Trade War Update

U.S. - China Trade War

President Trump’s trade war with China is disrupting exports of U.S. origin dried fruits and nuts. China’s latest round of retaliatory tariffs include higher tariffs on California-grown dried fruits, nuts, and seeds. Chinese customers now facing higher import tariffs will either pay the higher cost or source elsewhere. In either case, this does not bode well for California’s competitive position versus other supplying origins. While next year’s new crops are some time away and trade tensions may ease in the meantime, trade flows will likely continue to be in flux next year as exporters work through the changing tariff environment.


California Natural Thompson Seedless raisins are attractively priced for spot and forward contract orders. The quality of California’s current raisin crop is excellent and pricing is now competitive. While many European buyers already covered with Turkish, South African, and Chilean material, we suspect renewed interest when stocks decline and importers require new shipments. California may figure more prominently as a supplying origin now that California bulk Thompson raisin prices are more appealing.

We supply all major bulk California, Chilean, and South African raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


The strong Pistachio crop in California this year along with a poor crop in Iran combined with U.S. sanctions on companies doing business with Iran contributed to record pistachio shipments this year. In spite of higher tariffs from China, pistachios shipments to China continued to set records, in part due to the lower tariff on roasted product, which created a useful work-around.

Total shipments of open in-shell pistachios from September 2018 to April 2019 totaled 338 MM lbs, up 69MM lbs or 26% from the prior year period. Top destinations for pistachio shipments included Asia (161 MM lbs / 48%), Europe (120 MM lbs / 36%), the Middle East & Africa (25 MM lbs / 10%), North America (16 MM lbs / 5%) and other locations.

China continued to dominate imports of open in-shell pistachios with 86 MM lbs imported, up 13MM lbs or 18% from the prior year period. China represented 26% of global shipments and 54% of shipments to Asia. Hong Kong also showed robust pistachio tonnage imported. India, a smaller export market for pistachios, showed a big increase of 6 MM lbs or 194%. In Europe, Germany came to the table in a big way: importing 16 MM or 63% more compared to the prior year period.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


With some anxiety in the pre-harvest months of 2018 related to concerns about tariffs obstructing major export markets for California walnuts, processors opened with relatively low pricing. These fears did not materialize as global demand for California walnuts was as strong as ever as evidenced by the 14% and 10% shipment increase for in-shell and shelled walnuts, respectively, from September 2018 to April 2019.

Shipments of shelled California walnuts from September to April totaled 337 MM lbs, up 31 MM lbs or 10% compared to the prior year period. The crop from California was bought up quickly -- especially for light Chandler kernel -- this year and now availability is more limited. Total shipments of shelled California walnuts have been quite strong since January. Compared to the prior year, monthly shelled walnut shipments from California this year outpaced last year by 20%, 22%, 28%, and 17% in January, February, March, and April, respectively. Buyers are already eager for the new crop from California which is still a number of months away. In the meantime, lighted sorted pieces (LSP) and other shelled California walnut products are available.

We work with California walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP) and Light Sorted Pieces (LSP).


Whole Dried Cranberries continue to be extremely difficult to source. The recent demand from Easter in the U.S. and Europe tightened existing supplies even further. Prices have risen in recent weeks, reflecting the tighter supply situation. There remains good availability of organic Whole and both conventional and organic Sliced Bulk Sweetened Dried Cranberries.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.

California Raisin Outlook


Bulk California Thompson raisin prices have remained stable at more competitive levels in recent weeks. Some California raisin buyers have been active while others have been quiet. While there has been a mix of hand-to-mouth buying and longer-term purchasing, on a total industry basis, sales continue to be slow and steady for California’s raisin industry.

Total domestic and export shipments of bulk California Natural Thompson Seedless raisins from August to April in the current year totaled 147K packed tons which is 27% or 55K packed tons behind the prior year period. Domestic and export shipments are down 21% and 39%, respectively. April shipments totaled 16,002 packed tons, relatively in-line with recent months but still quite weak overall compared to prior years. California Thompson raisin exports in April totaled only 4,532 packed tons which is the lowest level in the last 6 months.

Based on our estimates, if the current pace of sales continue, California will return to carry-out levels (un-sold inventory transitioned to the next year) in-line with previous years before the crop failure last year.

With a total estimated supply of California Natural Seedless raisins this year of 335K packed tons, consisting of 75K from carry-in and 260K from production, and total shipments of 118K packed tons from October to April, the industry has approximately 217K of remaining supply based on our estimates. Assuming shipments for the next 5 months -- from May through September -- of 17K per month based on the historical sales pace thus far, California would be on-track to carry-out 132K packed tons of raisins into the next year.

Even at the current historically slow pace of sales, the California raisin industry is unlikely to face especially large or burdensome carry-out levels compared to prior years. To the contrary, the estimated carry-out may be right in-line with historical levels before the crop failure last year.

All told, California has plentiful supplies of excellent quality Natural Thompson Seedless selects. There is also availability of Flame raisins at attractive price levels. We are now negotiating long-term contracts of 1 or more FCL per month as sellers and buyers alike are looking at booking more high-volume business.

We supply all major bulk California, Chilean, and South African raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


The initial subjective forecast for the 2019 California almond crop released on May 10th estimated production of 2.5 billion pounds for the coming year, reflecting an increase of 9.6% or 220 million pounds compared to the prior year.

The 2019 almond crop will be grown on an estimated 1,170,000 bearing acres, the largest ever. So far, the new crop appears to be developing well. Reports of unusual weather (high winds and rain) caused some concerns but overall, California almond growers are optimistic about the 2019 crop. With strong shipments this year and availability decreasing, the transition to the new crop is expected to be tight. Even amid trade tariff issues with some buyers of California almonds -- namely, China and Turkey -- the industry continues to post robust shipments and appears well positioned to move yet another record crop in the coming year.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


Availability of LHP 80% and other light material remains extremely limited from California. Walnut buyers are looking to Chile to cover in-shell walnut requirements. Overall, California is quite well sold -- especially on Chandler -- and California walnut buyers are already eager for the new walnut crop.

We work with California and Chile’s top walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP).


California Pistachio sales continue to be strong with major demand from China showing no signs of slowing despite the ongoing trade war between the two countries. China’s demand for California pistachios has been further buoyed by a smaller Iranian pistachio crop than normal. China’s appetite for Californian Pistachios remains strong despite the previous and currently threatened increases in the tariff rate. Pistachios are popular gifts for holidays such as Chinese New Year and higher prices due to tariffs have so far not been enough to deter Chinese enthusiasm for US pistachios.

China and Hong Kong make up the largest export market for California pistachios. Uncertainty around the trade war and further tariffs may decrease demand for California Pistachios in China, if negotiators are unable to reach a substantive deal.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


Bulk Sweetened Dried Cranberry (SDC) prices increased in the last month. Demand for cranberries during Easter was active, adding additional pressure to supplies. The availability of Whole Sweetened Dried cranberries continues to be very tight as well as availability for Apple-Juice Infused Whole SDCs.

Trade negotiations between the U.S. and China continue to be a key topic to watch for the cranberry industry. China is a major buyer of bulk SDCs and further tariffs may dampen demand, depending on how the trade discussions unfold. China’s demand for cranberries is so strong that even with the recently increased tariffs on U.S. cranberries, much of their purchasing activity has continued along unabated.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


Prices have been relatively stable for sunflower kernel, with some suppliers recently offering higher prices. This higher pricing is due to higher freight costs and higher prices for product at origin.

We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.

Raisin & Nut Update


Bulk California raisins are now competitively priced versus other origins. Long-term volume contracts are now being discussed in order to secure forward shipments of California Thompson raisins.

Shipments of California Natural Thompson Seedless raisins have been steady but slow comparatively this year, reflecting a challenging environment after the problems (resting vines, rain damage, etc.) with the prior crop of 2017 / 2018. The resulting shortages from the crop damage last year contributed to Raisin Bargaining Association (RBA) setting the California Field Price at the highest level in history, at $2,150 / MT.

The latest field price is over $1,000 / MT higher than the field price 2 years ago and 37% higher than the 10-year average field price of $1,566 / MT. Opening prices this year were also buoyed by the precedent of prices last year, when the shortage of good quality product combined with strong global demand resulted in exorbitant prices. Now, in line with other origins on price and with attractive long-term contracts available, California is well-positioned to move the remainder of the 2018 / 2019 California raisin crop.

The other important distinction between California and other origins is quality. With the most advanced processing equipment, bulk California raisin processors lead the industry in high standards for quality and food safety. We continue to see processors make investments in improving the effectiveness of their raisin processing lines and share their positive sentiment that California raisins are an excellent bulk food ingredient well-suited to numerous markets. Japan, California’s largest export market, with it’s high standards for quality and low stem and cap stem counts further evidence the importance of California’s raisin quality.

The latest California Grape Acreage report showed a continued decline in raisin acreage, although at a slower pace and showed active plantings of dried-on-the-vine (DOV) raisin types including Fiesta and Selma Pete varieties.

Thompson seedless raisin plantings remained flat, at only 148 acres planted in 2018. On the other hand, Selma Pete plantings were quite active, with 781 acres planted, reflecting an increase of over 3.2 times the prior year. Selma Pete raisins have relatively high B or Better grades, strong yields, and are a cost-effective alternative to hand-harvested raisins.

We supply all major bulk California, Chilean, and South African raisins including dried-on-the-vine (DOV) and tray-dried Natural Thompson Seedless Selects, Selma Petes, Flames, Goldens, and other varieties in Jumbo, Select, and Midget sizes and welcome your inquiries. We also supply Selma Pete DOV Double-Run Supreme raisins to Japan and elsewhere which are processed twice to achieve exceptionally low stem and capstem counts. We offer multiple packaging options including custom boxes with client branding, supplier branded boxes, and blank unbranded boxes.


The latest Almond Acreage Report from the California Department of Food and Agriculture released on April 24th showed continued increases in bearing almond acreage in California.

California’s bearing almond acreage in 2018 totaled 1,090,000 acres, up 6% or 60,000 acres from 2017. The preliminary estimate for 2019 bearing almond acreage is 1,170,000 acres, implying an increase of 7% or 80,000 acres. The Nonpareil continued to be the leading almond variety, followed by Monterey, Butte, Carmel, and Padre. The California counties with the largest bearing acreage were Kern, Fresno, Stanislaus, Merced and Madera, which together represented 72% percent of the total bearing acreage.

Our most popular almond varieties are Nonpareil, Independence, Butte/Padre, and Carmel types with the most popular grades of Supreme, Extra, Standard 5%, and more.


Total shipments of California shelled walnuts from September 2018 to March 2019 increased by 9% compared to the prior year period. Domestic shipments increased by 18% while export shipments increased by 3%. California shelled walnuts were exported to Europe (42%), Asia (34%), the Middle East & Africa (17%), and other markets (7%) from September 2018 to March 2019. Europe imported 72MM lbs over the period, down by 7% or 6MM lbs from last year. Germany was the largest export market, importing 30MM lbs but still showed a relatively large decrease of 29% compared to last year. Spain, also a major market for California shelled walnuts, grew by 29% from last year to 19MM lbs. The Netherlands was also down 7% at 7MM lbs. Asia imported 59MM lbs over the period, down by 7% or 5 MM lbs from last year. Japan and Korea imported 23MM and 19MM lbs, shrinking imports by 15% and 2%, respectively.

In the Middle East, imports of shelled walnuts increased dramatically by 104% or 15MM lbs from 15MM lbs last year to 30MM lbs currently. Israel, the U.A.E., and Saudi Arabia were the top importers with year-over-year increases of 50%, 203%, and 201%, respectively. Overall, the Middle East has been quite strong in both shelled and in-shell California walnut imports this year.

Chilean walnuts are now available for shipment. In-shell selling so far from Chile has been brisk, with many Chilean walnut suppliers running out of prompt shipment availability quickly. Pricing has increased recently, reflecting the tighter availability. Overall, the crop quality is good, with light and large Chandler walnuts, which major export markets -- particularly the middle east -- appreciate.

We work with California and Chile’s top walnut packers to supply our customers with Jumbo and Jumbo / Large (J/L) in-shell Chandler, Howard, Hartley, Vina, Tulare, Serr and other varieties. We also provide bleached in-shell walnuts in addition to California shelled product including Chandler and non-Chandler Light Halves & Pieces (LHP) 20%, 40%, 80% and higher based on customer requirements. We also supply Combo Halves and Pieces (CHP).


The March 2019 Pistachio Industry Inventory Shipment Report shows interesting trends in the global pistachio markets which reflect current geo-political actions in the international sphere.

According to the March Shipment Report, year-to-date export shipments for US Pistachios are up 73.2 million pounds, a 24% increase over last year. Export shipments are up 58% in March 2019 as compared to March of 2018. This notable increase in shipments is driven mainly by increased imports in Europe and Asia which are themselves driven by the United State’s current international sanctions regime with Iran. There is much speculation and anxiety over the current state of these sanctions. As of this writing, it is legal for Europeans to do some types of business with Iran, including, importing Iranian pistachios. Despite the current legality of some trade, the hostility between the US and Iran is clearly shaking buyers’ confidence in sourcing from Iran.

With Iranian pistachio supply tightly constrained, global pistachio demand is finding its supply in California. March shipments to Europe from California were up 80% while March shipments to Asia were up 94%. This increase in shipments has also led to a corresponding increase in prices for California pistachios from their opening this past harvest. Despite the steep increases in price for California pistachio products in the past few months, such strong shipment numbers suggest that most California pistachio packers and processors may be very comfortably sold at this point in the year.

We supply raw in-shell pistachios and raw pistachio kernels of all sizes, grades and styles. We also supply roasted Extra No. 1 pistachios and welcome your inquiries.


Cranberry pricing has remained stable over the last few months with pricing staying flat or even rising slightly. Products like Whole Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) and both whole and sliced Juice Infused SDC product have been harder to find in recent weeks with increases in pricing reflecting the unmet demand. Many buyers are still buying hand-to-mouth, perhaps hoping for prices to come down in the near term, although this does not look likely.

For those that have forward needs, covering them on a hand-to-mouth basis is an easy bet. We also have long-term contracts available for more competitive pricing, depending on the volume.

We supply Conventional and Organic Whole or Sliced Sweetened Dried Cranberries (SDCs) packed in bulk cases as well as Organic Apple Juice Sweetened varieties. We also work with quarter inch diced and other diced cranberry products available as per client requirement. In addition, we supply 50 Brix and 65 Brix cranberry concentrate shipped in bulk 55 gallon drums.


Prices are rising for sunflower kernel due to higher freight costs and higher prices for product at origin.

We supply In-shell sunflower as well as hulled sunflower kernel available in premium and industrial grades for all major sizes. Packaging options include 10 KG, 25 lb, and 50 lb bags.

Other Products

We work with a number of other products so please reach out if you have an inquiry for something you do not see here. We are experts in sourcing bulk food ingredients and welcome the opportunity to work with you on your inquiries. Some of our other product offerings include sunflower seeds, lentils, green peas, freeze dried fruits, popcorn, dried cherries, dried apples, dried blueberries, cherry concentrate, quinoa, dried honey dates, dried cherry tomatoes, dried gojis, dried kiwis, dried strawberries, chickpeas, chia seeds, dried mulberries, almonds, macadamias, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, pine nuts, pecans, brazil nuts, pumpkin seed kernels, melon kernels, hazelnuts, dried prunes, golden raisins, sultanas, dried apricots, sweet apricot kernels, dried black currants, dried figs, dried dates, popcorns, maraschino cherries, dried tomatoes, strawberry pie filling, blueberry pie filling, cherry pie filling, dried mangoes, dried gingers, dried pineapple, and desiccated coconut.

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We are always looking to grow our supplier base with companies capable of delivering high quality food ingredients at large volumes. If you are interested, please reach out and introduce yourself.

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